

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

2021 Year in Review

2021 Year in Review


Whereas last year around this time, I was looking for a new job, I’m pleased to report that this year, I started a new job. It’s right in my sweet spot, working for a boss I’ve known for 20 years, so I am happy. Nervous, but happy.

Trixie has perianal surgery on her poo-hole to take out a tumor. All goes well, but her little shaved bottom looks like a baboon’s, poor thing.

COVID still rages on, although we have a vaccine now. But I’m like one-millionth in line, so not much to get excited about there.


The KC Chiefs lose the Super Bowl. It is, not to put too fine a point on it, disappointing.

In the Australian Open men’s final, Novak WINS it again for his 9th AO title. It makes my day!

The entire state is shut down in an Arctic Blast. Temps plummet to below freezing for days on end – not just a piddling 25°F, but below zero at times. Rolling blackouts, er, roll across the state, and Chez Shasta gets pretty damn cold at times. Lots of snow and ice and dogs that won’t go out of the house to do their business. It’s a very stressful 5-6 days, but when everything is back online, no broken pipes that I can find, so I’m pretty happy.

2021, so far, is not turning out to be as good as I’d hoped, after the shitshow that was 2020.


March marks one year since mask-wearing became a thing. It almost feels normal now. And not in a good way.

March was largely uneventful, but my friend Becky did come into town, and we went out for breakfast.

It becomes apparent that not everything made it through last month’s storm. I lose a few bushes that I didn’t particularly like in the first place, so no harm there. However, my 15yo live oak is struggling to pull through, and I’m worried. The arborist tells me to wait until at least May to see if it will pull through.


Winston and Trixie turn 12 yo, and it’s been two years since Daisy died. I seem to mark time this way lately.

I’m having some car trouble, so my brother Josh loans me his car to drive down to Mabank, Texas to go to a baby shower for my little sis, Savanna, who’s having her little boy soon. It’s not easy maneuvering his 6-speed on I-75, but somehow, I manage. Next to the Dallas North Tollway, I-75 is the speedster’s highway, and I’m white-knuckling it the whole way.

My friend Jeff Broadnax has a layover at DFW airport, so I pick up some sandwiches and head out there for a quick lunch with him in the Baggage Claim area. It’s so great to see him.

My tree is still not doing so well, so I have it fertilized.

I get vaccinated against Covid. Not sure it will do any good, but it’s required for a work event I’m doing in May.

Settling in at my “new” job. I’m enjoying working with my boss, Pat.


May kind of starts out with a bang. I find a house in St. Joseph that I desperately want. It’s something I’ve been mulling over for a long while: moving back to MO to be near my family. This house seems to be the perfect opportunity to make that happen. I contact some realtors to see what my options are. The housing market in Dallas is insanely overpriced, so I stand to make a killing on my little Chez Shasta, but I’m nervous about potentially moving.

My friends Bonne, Kathryn and Erin visit for the weekend from Big Sandy. We have an amazing time. I love these ladies so much!

At the end of the month, my niece Isabelle graduates from high school! Mom and Dad, Scott and Ashley and the kids come down, and the whole family celebrates. I give Isabelle way too big of a gift, so now I have to match it next year when Lauren graduates. Ah, the travails of a good Tante.


Tennis is back! Roland Garros takes place in Paris, and my favorite tennis player, Novak Djokovic, wins the men’s singles title. For those of you keeping track, this is 2 for 2 in Grand Slam titles so far this year.

I continue to look at houses in St. Joseph MO and consider moving back.

Petra and Mila visit from Florida. My, how Mila has grown! It’s great to see them.

Westie Rescue of North Texas has our annual Facebook auction, our biggest fundraiser of the year. It’s an unqualified success, which makes me happy.


I spend some time in MO in July visiting my parents and looking at houses. Although the initial house I looked at didn’t come together, I’m still looking for the right one, but nothing pans out. My excitement wanes. Maybe it isn’t the right decision after all.

The biggest thing that happens this month is Wimbledon and another Grand Slam gentlemen’s title for Djokovic. That’s 3 for 3!


August is pretty quiet as well. I do have lunch with my friend Margaret, who I haven’t seen since very early in the year. Margaret is a joy to be around – always very encouraging, which I needed.

It’s been two years since Alfie died. Again, marking time.

The US Open starts, and Djokovic is playing well.


The US Open continues, and Djokovic makes it to the men’s final, where he succumbs to Daniil Medvedev, the Bullshit Russian. So, the Calendar Slam is not to be, but Novak’s still had a fantastic year, and it’s been fun to watch.

Trixie has to have surgery for a mammary tumor, which turns out to be cancerous. She does fine after it’s removed, although I will have to watch her to see if the cancer comes back.

My good friend Lisa and her fiancé from Ecuador are finally able to get a visa (and married), and I’m invited to her wedding celebration dinner. It’s a great day, and I’m so happy for them.

I impulsively adopt another dog, Stanley, a miniature schnauzer who is a great addition to the family. He is a Very Good Dog, except for one fatal flaw: he likes to fence-fight with the neighbor’s dogs. We will work on that.

In other news, my boss returns to retirement (lucky her!), so I am an executive assistant without an executive. I start looking for work internally and externally.


I interview twice internally with my company and am offered one of the jobs. I turn it down because it’s not the right fit for me. I think perhaps some think I’m an idiot for doing that, but I’m, surprisingly, not too afraid of pitting my skills against the job market.

I do get some interest from a few other companies, and have a couple of great interviews.

Mid-month, Heather, Justin, Lauren and I go to Denver to visit Isabelle at college. It’s great to see the mountains too! We go to a couple of Isabelle’s VB games, and it’s great to see her doing so well with her roommates and friends. I also get to spend some good time with my friend Becky hiking in the mountains and seeing the new James Bond movie.

When I get home from Denver, Winston is very sick. I take him to his vet, who says he’s anemic, but otherwise has no real options for me other than to suggest it could be internal bleeding from cancer. I march him off to Dr. Taylor, who vets our Westie rescues, and he determines that it’s Winston’s spleen and it will need to come out.


Winston has his surgery, and all is a success! Within no time, he has bounced back to his old self.

The Paris Masters tournament men’s final is between Novak Djokovic and Daniil Medvedev (again, the Bullshit Russian - tennis term, look it up), and this time, Novak triumphs to become the champion!

I continue to look for work and am an interviewing fool. In a two week stretch, I interview 11 times with various companies. It’s a tremendous shot in the arm.

November is Thanksgiving time, and I head back up to MO for a nice long week’s visit. Isabelle and Josh are able to join Heather, Justin and Lauren, so for the first time in a few years, we have the entire Kalin family in the house. Heather, the nieces and I spend an afternoon picking up brush with my dad, and then we BURN IT DOWN. Another magnificent Kalin bonfire.


I am offered a job with Capital One! Good thing, too, because I’m finally laid off from my job in mid-December. Merry Christmas! (See: January.)

Heather and I attend a Postmodern Jukebox concert down at the Majestic Theater. It’s the first time I’ve been to that venue, and hopefully not the last.

In mid-December, I host the Westie Rescue of North Texas Christmas Party at Chez Shasta & The Dogs. The house looks beautiful with all the decorations, the company is merry and there is more food than we can eat. Truly a blessed season.

The week of Christmas, my water heater starts leaking. Turns out to be a faulty valve, but my heart stops because IT’S THE WEEK OF CHRISTMAS.

Niece #1 and Niece #2 come over to do some Christmas cookie baking one day. It’s a yearly tradition, one that I’m thrilled to continue now that Isabelle is in college and a big shot.

I spend Christmas over at the Jones’, keeping up with them. It’s a great time building a gingerbread house (really, advising on the building of it), Dagwood sandwiches on Christmas Eve; prime rib for Christmas dinner, and lots of presents for everyone.

I give up on getting Stanley to quit fence fighting and reluctantly return him to the rescue I got him from for his own safety (lots of other reasons buried in there). It’s a bit of a downer on which to end the year, but I know it’s the right decision.

New Year’s Eve - I don’t do a damn thing, and that’s just fine.

Looking forward to 2022, and pursuing joy, my catch-phrase for the year!

In Which I Get a Mullet

In Which I Get a Mullet

That Time My Mom Succumbed to Bribery

That Time My Mom Succumbed to Bribery