

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.



Guys, I’m just so thankful.

We’re in the midst of a pandemic, and the water still runs. My house is still warm and cozy. My sheets are still clean. My company is still hitting payroll. The lights still come on when I flick the switch. I still have my internet signal. The toilet still flushes when I toggle the lever, and still accepts all brands of toilet paper. My phone still charges, and there are still people at the other end of the line. My dogs are bored, but they are healthy and, as dogs usually are, happy.

I forgot to get laundry detergent when I was at the Walmart getting toilet paper – but no matter! Because it will be there when I schlep up there in a few days. If there isn’t any, I’ll wash my clothes in warm water and three squirts of dish soap.

If I run out of eggs, I’ll eat the frozen sausages I have in my freezer. When I run out of those, I’ll microwave some hot water and eat instant oatmeal, and the awesome thing is, I have brown sugar and dried fruit to flavor it up. If that runs out, then granted, I’m down to the suspicious Tupperware items in the dungeons of my freezer, but if it’s edible, I’ll eat it.

My car still starts. It still has gas in the tank and takes me places if I need it to do so, specifically over to my sister’s to share her germs and use her toilet paper.

Yes, tennis has been cancelled, and that’s a huge bummer. But my boy Djokovic is happy, healthy and training in Monte Carlo and Belgrade like he should be, if he expects to sweep the rest of the season, once it gets started again.

I’m still employed.

I still have a house.

I have food to eat.

I have my healthy family.

I have my happy dogs.

I’m bored as hell and have experienced loss from the coronavirus (as we all have), but—

I have enough. Guys, we have enough. We’ve always had enough.

Homestead Update

Homestead Update

Alone in a House, Alone

Alone in a House, Alone