Odds & Ends #18
Another week in the books! We got Melina’s departure date recently. It’s less than seven weeks away. We are both, I think, starting to turn the page on this adventure. I am preparing to finish strongly with her and show her how much I love her during her last few weeks here, and she is starting to get excited about returning home. Not that she’s not still all in. We have club soccer and quite a few fun things planned, but it’s just becoming real that our time together will be ending soon. I expect many tears on May 23.
Speaking of tears, Piper came home today. It was tough to open her little rosewood carved box and deposit her tags in there with her remains. Another type of closure that Melina and I are experiencing.
Speaking of experiences, Melina saw her first rodeo last night down in Fort Worth. She kept an open mind as usual, but I don’t think she liked it much. “They are hurting the animals,” she said, meaning the bull-riding and calf-roping, and I can see where she’s coming from. It’s not a sport for the faint-hearted. I tried to tell her that these animals are very well-taken-care-of, but it fell kind of hollow. I mean, does a calf “like” being jerked off his feet and thrown to the ground? The bulls are more agitated than injured, and they give back when they’re getting, but at the same time, they’re there for our amusement. I still enjoyed myself, and we both were entertained by the amazing women doing the barrel races and giggled at the clowns’ antics. It was a fun show!
Lots of things lined up: Melina’s dress is all ready for the prom. She is really looking forward to going, and she’s picked out a simply lovely dress that’s kind of Audrey Hepburn-ish. She will look so French and chic! She is also going to Six Flags on Monday with her friend Tessa, and she’s as giddy as the schoolgirl she is at the thought. We are going to the FC Dallas game in late April, and there’s a visit to Hard 8 BBQ in our future. So trying to close this out with some cool experiences before I send her back to her parents.
Wolfie continues to ingratiate himself to me. What an absolutely fantastic dog. Apparently he was picked up as a stray, but he is house-trained and sweet and whoever lost or dumped him is missing out on a great pooch. I bought him some chewies the other day, and you would have thought he’d never had a treat in his life, he was so happy. I love this dog! He is only a year old, and Winnie is turning 15 next week. I am happy to have another young dog in the house. It’s been a long time.
My mom has a big milestone birthday next week. It’s just gotten me to thinking what a great mom she’s been. We were at loggerheads most of my teens, but now that I’ve settled down, matured somewhat and have a kid (sort of ) of my own, I realize more of what she has sacrificed to ensure the health and happiness of her children. My earliest memory, in fact, is of my mother. Since my mother is one of the half-dozen people who actually read this blog, let me be the first to wish her a very happy birthday, Mama!