

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Hang On: Let Me Overthink This.

Hang On: Let Me Overthink This.

The other day I was introduced on an informal call and immediately launched into my spiel: “Hello, guys! I’m Shasta, and I like dogs and tacos and getting caught in the rain…” And on I went.

The next person who was introduced was all, “Hello, humans. I want to acknowledge that we’re all people of the human race. I am so-and-so…” and I immediately felt shame that I’d had the insensitivity to refer to my audience as “guys.” I am probably overthinking this, but is this what we’ve come to?

Another thing I’ve been overthinking lately is my exchange student:

  • Am I going to be a good host mom?

  • Do I know what to do with a teenager?

  • How do I feed her?

  • Will she like me?

  • Will I like her?

  • What if we don’t like each other?

  • What if she doesn’t like my dogs??? (Quelle calamity!)

  • And so on, and so forth…

And moreover, I sat up in bed last night absolutely positive that I’d mistakenly enrolled her in the 10th grade instead of the 11th. I was sure I’d screwed that up, so I fired off an email to the registrar and got a rather sour response that, yes, moron, you’ve enrolled her in the right grade.

Like the Kenny Loggins concert I’m going to this evening. My friend Kathryn is driving all the way in from Big Sandy to go with me, and I’m worried about driving to Fort Worth for the concert. I’ve been examining all the routes and traffic likelihoods and scouting out where we’re going for dinner. We’ll be driving down there in rush hour, and it’s supposed to storm VERY strongly. I’ve pretty much convinced myself that this is more trouble than it’s worth. Which is my stupid brain again. IT’S KENNY LOGGINS! “Your mama don’t dance and your daddy don’t rock ‘n roll” Kenny Loggins.

So I don’t know if this is anxiety or just basic overthinking, but my brain is ROILING lately. It’s exhausting being me. I need a weekend.

The Events of the Weekend

The Events of the Weekend

Odds & Ends #10

Odds & Ends #10