

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

The Events of the Weekend

The Events of the Weekend

As you probably already know, there was a shooting in Allen, Texas this weekend. It was about 15 minutes from my home in McKinney at an outlet mall I’ve been known to frequent when I have little else to do and money burning a hole in my pocket, which is almost never. At any rate, I’ve been there, I know where the H&M is, and it is an awful thing to have something like this happen so close to home.

At 3:30 Saturday afternoon, I was in Carrollton at our annual Westie Rescue of North Texas Ice Cream Social. At the time people were dying, I was selling T-shrts, handing out pup cups to Westies and chatting up their owners.

My mom texted me. My brother texted me. My friends texted me. “I’m all right,” I said, over and over.

When I woke up this morning, I saw that several of my friends had marked themselves “Safe” on Facebook. Facebook wanted to know if I was safe as well. I didn’t respond, because it seemed a joke to mark myself safe when I wasn’t there in the first place. I have a friend who lives 1/2 mile from the outlet mall, and she marked herself safe, however. I am glad.

There’s a picture of the assailant going around on Twitter — dead, shot through the head, sprawled on the sidewalk, blood pooling. I did not feel bad at all when I saw that picture. I’m a little appalled that I don’t feel bad, but I don’t.

I don’t want to get into the gun control debate. I am a big fan of the Second Amendment, I’ll say that. But we’ve got a problem in the United States that is bigger than we are. We’ve got a lot of problems that won’t be solved until Jesus comes back, and I have no answer other than that. I’m praying for those who experienced this tragedy first hand, the first responders and those who are shaken by a mass shooting, once again.

This is what I think after this weekend.

Odds & Ends #11

Odds & Ends #11

Hang On: Let Me Overthink This.

Hang On: Let Me Overthink This.