

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

C'est Bon

C'est Bon

Melina and I continue to settle in. She made a friend at school named Tessa, and they are off to the mall this weekend like teenage girls will do. Just to be parental, I gave Melina the third degree before I let her go, and she had a good answer for everything, so I couldn’t see why she couldn’t go, even though I am hesitant to let my little chick leave the nest.

Speaking of leaving the nest, she went to her first American Varsity football game this week. It was Spirit Week: Tropical Shirt Night, and she did me proud by wearing my Westie Hawaiian shirt. She was so tickled with the whole idea of wearing it and came home with a big smile on her face.

She is smiley, my girl. She loves everything but her science class. She is fascinated by all things American (wait until she gets a load of Homecoming mums, something that was just brought to my attention). She is helpful (feeds the dogs, empties the dishwasher, helps cook dinner, makes me chocolate mousse), respectful, sweet, kind, brave and all the good things. I just adore her. She’s good company.

Speaking of things to adore, it’s not the drop-off/pick-up lines or the heat. I sent the 115’F picture to Melina’s parents, and they were appropriately aghast and sympathetic, which was all I was really looking for.

But we continue to have fun. It’s amazing seeing the American culture through her eyes. It’s all old hat to me, but she just soaks it up like a sponge, asking questions and wanting to try everything. She even loves what I cook for her, even though we’ve had pasta four times this week. “It is good,” she says, in her French accent. With a smile, of course. “C’est bon,” I agree, with my Texas twang.

And in the morning, she’s making me crepes!

Odds & Ends #12

Odds & Ends #12

The First Week

The First Week