

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Odds & Ends #12

Odds & Ends #12

Novak is in a MOOD. Since coming back to the US after two years exiled, he’s played 7 matches, and he’s won all 7 — so far. He’s absolutely dismantled his last two opponents in the first two rounds of the US Open. Can’t wait for the next 10 days to see what he has in store.

In Part Trois of “I Have a French Exchange Student, and You Don’t,” Melina made quiche Lorraine the other day. She is from the region of Lorraine in France, and this quiche is something delicious, let me tell you. I was still over the moon about the crepes, and then she brings quiche out.

We are having a lot of fun cooking together. Every evening when she gets home from school, and I get home from work, we cook dinner. Tonight it was shrimp and grits. I am tested — tested! — to come up with interesting meals that stretch her idea of American cuisine, but the shrimp and grits really turned out well. But really, she loves it all.

I just asked her if she misses France and her family. “No,” she said, shaking her head all Frenchily. “I wish they were here to see everything, but I don’t miss them.”

“So you don’t fall asleep crying your eyes out every night?” I asked.

“No,” she says, laughing.

She really is a doll. I love her.

Every afternoon around 4 pm, Winston starts barking at me to feed him, but this is now Melina’s job. “Wait,” I say. “Your girl will be home soon.” And as soon as she walks in the door, she is surrounded by dogs, and I’m not convinced it’s only the food. They love her too.

We have a long weekend coming up, and we’re going to Meow Wolf — ever heard of it? Me neither, but it’s supposedly this eclectic, avante garde, abstract, immersive art installation. But first: sushi! Apparently, it’s not all escargot and beignets in France, and we’ve got a fan.

Guys, I highly recommend getting an exchange student. We are having so much fun!

All the Fun I've Been Having

All the Fun I've Been Having

C'est Bon

C'est Bon