

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Odds & Ends #4

Odds & Ends #4

In Things That Peeve Me: the other day I went to the grocery store, pulled into a parking space only to see that some giant pick-up truck literally was taking up four spaces. The guy parked dead-on on the cross lines. I briefly thought of getting angry, but shrugged it off. I’ve been talking to a friend of mine lately who seems to get wound around the axle every two minutes about perceived injustices — real or not. I decided this was not something to get worked up about, but I thought it would be funny to wait until he — and we all know it was a male — came out and yell “BOO. BOOOOO!” like the witch in The Princess Bride. But I schelpped off to go buy some broccoli, since I’m trying to eat healthier.

In Post-Pandemic Thoughts: now that we’re past the worst of it and things are returning to normal — whatever that is; still seems like the world is a shitshow — I really am digging that the credit card readers don’t have those little plastic covers on them anymore. What they accomplished for not passing along the virus, I have no idea.

In Good Days: I had a really great Tuesday the other day. Nothing special happened; I just got out of bed in a ridiculously good mood for a Tuesday and launched my day like I was shot out of a cannon. Found a good parking spot at work, had a couple of really good meetings, lunch was tasty, I came home to an intact fence — just one of those days where everything went Ol’ Shazzy’s way. I could use more Tuesdays like that.

In What I’ve Been Up To: I’ve been taking an online goals course from Jon Acuff, the Goal Guru. His four steps to winning at your goals are: Dream. Plan. Do. Review. At first I thought, “This is stupid and not very insightful.” But when he asked, “What stage do you get stuck in?” and listed out, Dreamer, Perfectionist, Procrastinator and Hustler as pitfalls for each stage, I realized I had work to do. 2023 is different for me. I’m not trying to be perfect. I’m trying to get it done. I read about “No Zero Days” the other day. Each day — no matter how crappy — there is no excuse not to do at least a little work on a goal. Little wins add up to a big win. Acuff is hitting the spot.

In Things You Don’t Want to Wake Up To: Two dogs fighting like two cats in a burlap sack. Piper is a feisty one, and she apparently doesn’t care to be interrupted in the middle of her beauty sleep. And Winston likes to waller around in bed like a walrus on an iceberg, so in the middle of the night, they went after it and woke me up from a dead sleep. Chaos ensued, Piper got ejected from the bed and Winston accidently bit my finger. Dogs — nothing better.

I Missed the Memo, Apparently

I Missed the Memo, Apparently

In Which I Proclaim My Mediocrity

In Which I Proclaim My Mediocrity