

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

I Missed the Memo, Apparently

I Missed the Memo, Apparently

I still love my "new" gig. Although the acronyms will get ya, there’s no place I’d rather be working.

The other day I came across something that I wrote years ago about the company I worked for at the time. I giggled all over again because you can’t make this stuff up.


Guys, I like working for a big company; there are a lot of good things that come with being part of a large army lumbering toward a goal, but some days, it wears. My. Ass. Out. Exhibit A below:

IM from our help desk in India:

8:47 AM: Hello Shasta, this is Pete. Hope you are doing good. Regarding PR12345678…

sk 8:48 AM: Hi, there...assume you saw that I updated the PO with the vendor number...what else do you need from me?

I'll just call him Global Procurement Guy (GPG).

9:43 AM: PRB approval?

sk 9:44 AM: What is that?

sk 9:47 AM: NM, figured it out. According to the approval matrix, do you mean ORC?

GPG: 9:47 AM: This is of labor category right. CCOW should be provided

sk 9:48 AM: It's a bunch of geniuses sitting in a conference room telling us how to improve our processes…not contingent labor

GPG: 9:48 AM: You have ORC?

sk 9:49 AM: Well, the ORC SharePoint is [legacy company]-branded and not referenced under [current company] GP site so is ORC even still in play?

GPG: 9:50 AM: It was actually stopped a month before

sk 9:51 AM: well then no I don’t have it

GPG: 9:50 AM: As per recent updates, this needs LARS <inserts broken link to intranet SharePoint site>

sk 9:50 AM: Yeah, I don't even know what LARS is...every link I click takes me to another link

GPG: 9:51 AM: <inserts correct link>

sk 9:51 AM: So I need a LARS or an ORC? Or a PRB?

GPG: 9:52 AM: LARS is the new PRB

sk 9:52 AM: So no more ORC, then?

GPG: 9:52 AM: ORC is replaced with "one PRB"

sk 9:53 AM: Why do I care about "one PRB" if I need to do LARS?

GPG: 9:54 AM: ...

sk 9:54 AM: Wait a minute, did I miss a memo? Something about a cover sheet for a TPS report?

Odds &amp; Ends #5

Odds & Ends #5

Odds &amp; Ends #4

Odds & Ends #4