

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Odds & Ends #14

Odds & Ends #14

I’ve been listening to Sammy Rae & The Friends a lot lately. Purely happy and optimistic, catchy music. Puts me in a great mood. Melina and I are going to see them/her in March down in Dallas, and we are quite excited about that. Please to enjoy this brief snippet.

Melina is off seeing a movie with a friend tonight. We’d barely gotten her home from school when Kendall knocked on the door and off Melina went! Having gotten used to someone around, I rattled around in my house for about a half-hour and then went to Sprouts to get some imported cheese. Cheese will solve any kind of loneliness.

I exaggerate. I’m not lonely just because Melina decides to spend an evening with her friends vs. us staring at a MASH rerun with “Oh, this is a great episode!” interspersed every few minutes by moi. But yeah, it’s odd to have the run of the house to myself this evening. The dogs LOVE Melina and are kind of lost without her. Yeah, the dogs. Right.

An arctic front is hitting Texas tomorrow, and we are NOT amused. Mel and I have a home visit in the morning followed by a trip to the grocery store (where they probably will be out of bread and milk and toilet paper and CHEESE, as usual when there’s a half-sliver of ice predicted). The Chiefs and Dolphins will be playing Saturday night, although who knows how I’ll watch them. I got a note from my streaming service that NBC is being a dick about broadcasting rights, so they will probably make it super-hard to watch.

Sunday the church search (it rhymes, ha ha) continues. Fortunately Melina is pretty easy-going and is willing to go wherever I point Ye Olde Grey Mare. She is the BEST shotgunner. So we will be headed over to McKinney Calvary Chapel. It’s going to be colder than a well-digger’s ass, but I’m sure our efforts will be rewarded. If not, pizza at Cavalli’s on the way home.

Other than that, I am looking forward to the AO starting this weekend. Two weeks of midnight wake-ups and all-night tennis matches. (Note to self: buy coffee.) It’s the only thing that makes January worth living through, because I swear this month is 468 days long.

Book Report #3: AW Tozer - "The Pursuit of God"

Book Report #3: AW Tozer - "The Pursuit of God"

Book Report #2: AW Tozer - "The Pursuit of God"

Book Report #2: AW Tozer - "The Pursuit of God"