

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

Odds & Ends #8

Odds & Ends #8

I’ve been listening to a lot of Stevie Wonder lately. He’s so uplifiting and postive that it brings my mood up every time I hear one of his songs. He’s also great for house cleaning — that house will practically clean itself, guaranteed.

A couple of days ago, I was going through some very old emails in my Hotmail account. If you have a Hotmail account, you are OLD. Every few years, I log into it to see if anything interesting has come in. Breaking news: nothing. I was reading an old email from a few years ago when my mom asked how my day at work went, and I responded after a particularly difficult day:

Well, every day is full of Sisyphean, BS tasks that deplete my will to live. By 5 pm, there is so much contempt inside of me that I want to reach down my throat and extract the malignancy so I don't belch the taste of tar the entire drive home. Each evening I collect my resentment in a charred oak barrel and let it mature overnight before waking up to gulp it -- full-bodied, mellow and flavorful -- from a coffee mug stenciled with an emoji of a middle finger. Then, I drive once again to work more slowly than erosion and sit in the parking garage for 15 minutes to muster the energy to turn off the ignition. After a while I emerge from my vehicle to begin my siege once again as a servant in hell.

I’m not sure what my mom thought, but it was obvious things weren’t going well at work, and I was in a snit about it. I can only THANK GOD things have changed. I drive to work these days, praise music blasting and skip up the stairs to the second floor like a champ, even though my pants are tighter these days than I’d like. I love my job; it loves me. Makes my world so much better, and it makes me a better sister, daughter, aunt, friend, etc.

Enough about work — I’m getting a foster 10-week-old Westie puppy next weekend. I am both thrilled and apprehensive about it. I can wrangle an adult dog like a pro - they don’t try much stuff with me after I establish I’m the alpha, which is not hard. But a puppy doesn’t read the room like an adult dog, and they pretty much do what they do: poo, pee and get stuck behind the refrigerator. Get ready for more Facebook posts on those shenanigans.

And as I shuffle off to Buffalo, here is one more Steve Wonder video for you from NINETEEN-SIXTY-EIGHT, guys! This guy has been spreading joy for that long! Enjoy!

Odds & Ends #9

Odds & Ends #9

In Which I Probably Get a Puppy