

The other day a middle-aged recreational jogger was putzing around on FB, told a story to amuse herself, and "they" said she should blog, so she did. This is what you find here.

All Good.

All Good.

It’s been quiet on the Chez Shasta front lately, blog-wise. Seems like when I went into the office every day and was out running around, STUFF HAPPENED. But then COVID happened, and the world ground to a halt. My joy went into a ditch. And I’ve been working from home for almost three years. Friends moved away, my dogs died, I started having a mid-life crisis following the “other” mid-life crisis I thought I already had, etc. etc. etc. It’s been a tremendously hard two years.

Oh! Something happened this morning: I went and had my “well woman” exam, and you know what that means. My NP bragged that she gives great PAPs, and after her gentle ministrations today, I’m willing to write her a 5-star Google review. Most fun I’ve had in months.


In desperation, I’ve been trying to stir things up. I almost moved back to Missouri the other day! I found The Perfect House on The Perfect Street in The Perfect Neighborhood for The Perfect Price, and since I’ve been thinking about moving closer to my parents, it seemed straight from God. Except for the fatal flaw: no parking on site. After having an attached garage for the last fifteen years, schlepping groceries up from the street and through the house, I couldn’t wrap my brain around it. There were a couple of other things I couldn’t get beyond. And perhaps I’m just scared at starting my life over at 47 years old.


And then I got a ping on LinkedIn from a recruiter wanting to know if I’d be interested in a job as an Executive Assistant to the COO of a billion-dollar company, which would then lead to being the EA to the CEO, and ordinarily I’d jump at it, but meh. I’m over climbing the ladder. The job I have is just fine…it’s bringing home the bacon and cooking it up just fine, and I have a good boss to boot.

I don’t know. That’s the thing. I don’t know anything. I’m looking for a guarantee that the decisions I make won’t make this slump I’m in WORSE. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow, that “sufficient for the day is the trouble therein.”  So OK.

In other news, my niece Isabelle is graduating from high school this weekend. This is the niece who made me a Tante, and I’m so proud of the young lady she’s become. She’s poised and gracious, ready for her college career as a setter at Colorado Christian University and has a two-tiered smile that can light up your world. This weekend the fam is in town to celebrate, and I can’t wait.

Isabelle - VB - 18.jpg

All good here at Chez Shasta.

Plumbing the Depths

Plumbing the Depths

In Which I Have a Squirrel in My House

In Which I Have a Squirrel in My House